A Beautiful Mind
This 2001 film, directed by Ron Howard, follows the life of John Nash, a brilliant but asocial mathematician, as he makes groundbreaking contributions to game theory while grappling with personal challenges. Starring Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly, the movie delves into Nash’s struggles with mental illness and his journey towards self-discovery and redemption. The film received critical acclaim, winning four Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director. It can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 50
Genre: Biography, Drama, Mystery, Oscar Winners, Romance, Top250Movies
Director: Ron Howard
Actors: Adam Goldberg, Amy Walz, Anthony Easton, Anthony Rapp, Austin Pendleton, Cheryl Howard, Christopher Plummer, Darius Stone, David B. Allen, Ed Harris, Erik Van Wyck, Holly Pitrago, Isadore Rosenfeld, Jane Jenkins, Jason Gray-Stanford, Jennifer Connelly, Jennifer Weedon, Jesse Doran, Jillie Simon, John Blaylock, Josh Lucas, Josh Pais, Judd Hirsch, Kent Cassella, Michael Esper, Patrick Blindauer, Paul Bettany, Rance Howard, Roy Thinnes, Russell Crowe, Tanya Clarke, Teagle F. Bougere, Thomas F. Walsh, Tracey Toomey, Valentina Cardinalli, Victor Steinbach, Vivien Cardone, Yvonne Thomas
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, DreamWorks Pictures, Imagine Entertainment, Universal Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $316,791,257