In this intriguing film directed by Emanuel Hoss-Desmarais, two scientists, played by Toni Collette and Matthew Goode, embark on an unconventional experiment to challenge the age-old debate of nature versus nurture. They adopt three children, each with distinct genetic backgrounds, and raise them contrary to their biological predispositions to see if upbringing can override inherent traits. The narrative unfolds with a mix of humor and drama, exploring the complexities of identity and parental influence. While the film did not receive any major awards, it offers a unique perspective on human development. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 5
Genre: Comedy
Director: Emanuel Hoss-Desmarais
Actors: Andreas Apergis, Anton Gillis-Adelman, Fionnula Flanagan, Jadyn Malone, Jordan Poole, Matthew Goode, Michael Smiley, Nathaly Thibault, Suzanne Clément, Toni Collette