Cuban Fury
In this 2014 comedy, a former salsa prodigy, played by Nick Frost, attempts to reignite his passion for dance to win the heart of his new boss, portrayed by Rashida Jones. The film features a blend of humor and dance, with Chris O’Dowd adding to the comedic elements as a rival suitor. Directed by James Griffiths, the movie showcases a journey of self-discovery and redemption through the vibrant world of salsa dancing. While it did not receive any major awards, it offers an entertaining mix of romance and comedy. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: James Griffiths
Actors: Alexandra Roach, Chris O'Dowd, Ian McShane, Isabella Steinbarth, Kayvan Novak, Nick Frost, Olivia Colman, Rashida Jones, Rory Kinnear, Steve Oram
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Anton, Big Talk Productions, British Film Institute (BFI)
Worldwide Gross: $5,645,773