X-Men: Apocalypse
In this installment of the X-Men franchise, the ancient and powerful mutant Apocalypse awakens from a millennia-long slumber with plans to cleanse the world and establish a new order. The X-Men, led by Professor Charles Xavier, must unite to stop him and his four horsemen from bringing about global destruction. The film features a star-studded cast, including James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, and Jennifer Lawrence. Directed by Bryan Singer, the movie showcases impressive visual effects and action sequences. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 45
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Marvel, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Bryan Singer
Actors: Abanoub Andraous, Abdulla Hamam, Adrian G. Griffiths, Ahmed Osman, Aj Risi, Al Maini, Aladeen Tawfeek, Alexander Peganov, Alexandra Shipp, Allen Keng, Ally Sheedy, Anthony Konechny, Antonio Daniel Hidalgo, Ben Hardy, Berdj Garabedian, Boris Sichon, Carolina Bartczak, Chris Cavener, Christopher B. MacCabe, Conrad Coates, Dan Lett, Danielle Dury, Davide Chiazzese, Desmond Campbell, Emma Elle Paterson, Erika Heather Mergl, Evan Peters, Francis Limoges, Fraser Aitcheson, Gustave Ouimet, Henry Hallowell, Herb Luft, Hesham Hammoud, Hugh Jackman, Ian Geldart, Ian Rosenberg, James Loye, James Malloch, James McAvoy, Jason Deline, Jennifer Lawrence, Joan Lee, Joanne Boland, Joe Cobden, John Bourgeois, John Ottman, Joseph Bellerose, Josh Helman, Josh Madryga, Kamil Orzechowski, Karl Walcott, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Lana Condor, Linda Joyce Nourse, Lucas Till, Lukas Penar, Manuel Sinor, Manuel Tadros, Martin Skorek, Mary-Piper Gaudet, Michael Fassbender, Michael Terlecki, Moataz Fathi, Monique Ganderton, Nabeel El Khafif, Naomi Frenette, Nicholas Hoult, Olivia Munn, Oscar Isaac, Patrice Martre, Philippe Hartmann, Raphaël Dury, Rochelle Okoye, Ronald Tremblay, Rose Byrne, Ryan Hollyman, Scott Cook, Sebastian Naskrent, Sebastien Teller, Shawn Campbell, Simon Therrien, Sophie Turner, Stan Lee, Stephen Bogaert, T.J. McGibbon, Tally Rodin, Tauntaun, Tómas Lemarquis, Tsu-Ching Yu, Tye Sheridan, Vladimir Alexis, Warren Scherer, Zehra Leverman, Zeljko Ivanek, Ziad Ghanem
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Marvel Entertainment, TSG Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox
Worldwide Gross: $543,934,105