Bitter Moon
In this provocative drama directed by Roman Polański, a seemingly ordinary couple embarks on a cruise that leads them into a web of passion and obsession. The film stars Hugh Grant and Kristin Scott Thomas, who deliver compelling performances as they navigate the complexities of love and betrayal. As the narrative unfolds, viewers are drawn into a tale of dark desires and the consequences of unchecked emotions. While the film did not receive major awards, it remains a notable entry in Polański’s filmography. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama, Romance, Thriller
Director: Roman Polański
Actors: Emmanuelle Seigner, Hugh Grant, Kristin Scott Thomas, Leo Eckmann, Luca Vellani, Patrick Albenque, Peter Coyote, Smilja Mihailovitch, Sophie Patel, Victor Banerjee
Country: France, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Canal+, Columbia Pictures, Les Films Alain Sarde
Worldwide Gross: $1,862,805