Holy Rollers
Set in the late 1990s, this film follows the journey of a young Hasidic Jew named Sam Gold, played by Jesse Eisenberg, who becomes involved in an international drug smuggling operation. The story explores themes of faith, temptation, and the struggle between personal ambition and moral integrity. Directed by Kevin Asch, the film is inspired by true events and offers a unique glimpse into a rarely depicted community. While it didn’t receive major awards, it was noted for its compelling performances and intriguing storyline. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Biography, Crime, Drama
Director: Kevin Asch
Actors: Ari Graynor, Bern Cohen, Charlie Hewson, Danny A. Abeckaser, Elizabeth Marvel, Hallie Eisenberg, Jason Fuchs, Jesse Eisenberg, Justin Bartha, Stella Keitel
Country: United States of America
Company: Deerjen Films, Lookbook Films, Safehouse Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $744,266