American Pie Presents The Naked Mile
In this installment of the American Pie Presents series, the story follows Erik Stifler, a high school senior who is determined to uphold the family legacy of wild antics. As he embarks on a weekend adventure to a college campus for the infamous Naked Mile run, Erik faces a series of comedic and risqué challenges. The film features performances by John White and Steve Talley, adding to the youthful and energetic cast. Directed by Joe Nussbaum, the movie continues the franchise’s tradition of humor and coming-of-age themes. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 23
Genre: Comedy
Director: Joe Nussbaum
Actors: Candace Kroslak, Christopher McDonald, Eugene Levy, Jake Siegel, Jessy Schram, John White, Jordan Prentice, Maria Ricossa, Ross Thomas, Steve Talley
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Neo Art & Logic, Rogue Pictures, Universal Pictures Home Entertainment (UPHE)