Naked Among Wolves
Set in the harrowing final weeks of World War II, this gripping drama unfolds within the confines of the Buchenwald concentration camp. The story follows a group of prisoners who discover a young Jewish boy hidden in a suitcase, sparking a moral dilemma as they risk their lives to protect him from the Nazis. The film, directed by Philipp Kadelbach, is a poignant exploration of humanity and sacrifice amidst the horrors of war. It features compelling performances from stars such as Florian Stetter and Peter Schneider. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Philipp Kadelbach
Actors: Florian Stetter, Peter Schneider, Rafael Stachowiak, Rainer Bock, Robert Gallinowski, Robert Mika, Sabin Țambrea, Sylvester Groth, Thorsten Merten, Torsten Michaelis
Country: Germany
Company: UFA Fiction