Bang Bang Baby
Set in the 1960s, this film follows the story of a small-town teenager named Stepphy, played by Jane Levy, who dreams of becoming a famous singer. Her life takes an unexpected turn when her idol, played by Justin Chatwin, arrives in town, but a mysterious industrial accident threatens to derail her dreams. The movie blends elements of musical fantasy and science fiction, creating a unique narrative style. Directed by Jeffrey St. Jules, it showcases a vibrant visual aesthetic and an intriguing storyline. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Music, Musical, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Jeffrey St. Jules
Actors: Boyd Banks, Chloe Rose, David Reale, Ian Matthews, Jane Levy, Justin Chatwin, Kristian Bruun, Peter Stormare, Sidney Leeder, Stephen Joffe
Country: Canada
Company: Intrepid Film Arts, JoBro Productions & Film Finance, Scythia Films