The Convent
In this horror-comedy film directed by Mike Mendez, a group of college students decides to explore an abandoned convent rumored to be haunted. Their night of mischief quickly turns into a terrifying ordeal as they encounter demonic forces and uncover the dark history of the convent. The film features performances by Adrienne Barbeau and Coolio, adding a unique flair to the cast. Known for its blend of humor and horror, the movie has gained a cult following over the years. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Mike Mendez
Actors: Adrienne Barbeau, Chaton Anderson, Dax Miller, Jim Golden, Joanna Canton, Kelly Mantle, Liam Kyle Sullivan, Megahn Perry, Renée Graham, Richard Trapp
Country: United States of America
Company: Alpine Pictures