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Big Nick returns to Europe, hot on the trail of Donnie, who finds himself entangled in the dangerous and volatile realm of diamond thieves and the notorious Panther mafia. Together,...
As his marriage begins to unravel, Blake convinces his wife, Charlotte, to leave the city behind and retreat to his secluded childhood residence in the Oregon countryside. Upon reaching the...
A dark and eerie story unfolds as a troubled young woman becomes the object of a fearsome vampire’s fixation, leading to unimaginable terror and chaos.
Eddie and Venom find themselves on the run, pursued by forces from both of their realms. As the pressure mounts and their options dwindle, they must make a critical choice...
A successful CEO risks both her professional life and family relationships when she embarks on a passionate romance with her significantly younger intern.
The story of a super-secret spy organization that recruits an unrefined but promising street kid into the agency’s ultra-competitive training program just as a global threat emerges from a twisted...
John Wick is forced out of retirement by a former associate looking to seize control of a shadowy international assassins’ guild. Bound by a blood oath to aid him, Wick...
After their deceased ex-Captain is wrongfully accused, Lowrey and Burnett set out to prove his innocence, but soon find themselves fleeing for their own safety.
A man finds himself in a strange city with no recollection of who he is. As he embarks on a frantic quest to piece together his past, he encounters a...
Fifteen years after leaving the CIA to raise a family, top-tier spies Matt and Emily are forced to return to the espionage scene when their identities are exposed.
In this action-packed sequel, the beloved blue hedgehog teams up with his new friend Tails to thwart the villainous Dr. Robotnik, who returns with a new partner, Knuckles, in a...
A U.S. Marshal is tasked with accompanying a government witness to court after the witness is implicated in dealings with a crime lord. During their journey, they uncover that the...
Following a family tragedy, the Deetz family, spanning three generations, makes their way back to their home in Winter River. Lydia, still troubled by the presence of Beetlejuice, finds her...
CONSCIENCE POINT reveals a stark conflict of values by highlighting the tension between the Native American Shinnecock community and their affluent neighbors in the Hamptons, who have turned hallowed ground...
A once-famous star chooses to take an illicit drug from the underground market, which is a cell-replicating compound that briefly transforms her into a more youthful and improved version of...
In this comedy directed by Jake Kasdan, Cameron Diaz stars as a disenchanted and inappropriate middle school teacher who is more interested in finding a wealthy man to marry than...
Set in the tumultuous landscape of 1870s Montana, this film weaves a narrative of vengeance, hidden truths, and concealed riches. The story begins just before Isaac Broadway’s execution, where he...
In this comedic horror parody, a group of college students is invited to spend a weekend at a haunted mansion, where they encounter a series of bizarre and supernatural events....
Clarkson, Hammond, and May embark on a journey through the Middle East in a sports car costing £3500, aiming to reach Jerusalem. Along the way, they navigate both the political...
In a harsh winter of the 19th century, a widow in a destitute Icelandic fishing village faces a daunting decision. A shipwreck occurs off the coast, and while there are...
In this animated sequel, the beloved fairy tale character embarks on a journey to adjust to her new life as a princess. The story unfolds through three interconnected segments, each...
Framed in the 1940s for the double murder of his wife and her lover, upstanding banker Andy Dufresne begins a new life at the Shawshank prison, where he puts his...
In the early 1960s in New York, amidst a lively music scene and significant cultural shifts, a mysterious 19-year-old from Minnesota makes his way to the West Village. Armed with...
Tasked with concealing a major crime, a fixer quickly finds his night unraveling when he is compelled to collaborate with an unforeseen partner.
A spoiled feline, accustomed to his fortunate circumstances after being saved and cherished by Rose, a compassionate and enthusiastic student, faces a turning point when he exhausts his ninth life....
Anora, a young sex worker from Brooklyn, finds herself in a real-life Cinderella scenario when she unexpectedly marries the son of a wealthy oligarch. However, her dream is jeopardized when...
After the devastating loss of his closest friend London, young architect Dawson is struck by unexpected news. In his grief, he feels driven to embark on a seemingly impossible quest...
Emma is on a mission to reunite with her father in Antarctica. Her journey takes her to South America, but she faces a hurdle when she can’t secure a spot...
Ushi Hirosaki is bound by Japanese tradition to wed before she turns 30. With the clock ticking, her family insists she marry a large sumo wrestler, a match she finds...
What do you know about the Darknet? The Silk Road, contract killers, and platforms for the darkest sides of human nature? This film goes beyond these infamous aspects to uncover...
The incredible story of genius musician Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, told in flashback by his peer and secret rival, Antonio Salieri—now confined to an insane asylum.
A cross-country road race is based on an actual event, the Cannonball Baker Sea to Shining Sea Memorial Trophy Dash, organized by Brock Yates to protest the 55 mph speed...
In this 1994 psychological thriller, Bruce Willis stars as a New York psychologist who relocates to Los Angeles after a traumatic incident. He becomes embroiled in a murder mystery involving...
This enchanting musical adaptation of a classic fairy tale features a diverse cast, including Brandy as the titular character and Whitney Houston as the Fairy Godmother. The film follows the...
A team of recently unemployed workers, enticed to take on one final shift, realizes that handling the remainder of their “stock” will result in disastrous outcomes.
Shrek, Fiona and Donkey set off to Far, Far Away to meet Fiona’s mother and father. But not everyone is happy. Shrek and the King find it hard to get...
In this animated adventure, a reclusive ogre finds his swamp overrun by fairy tale creatures, leading him on a quest to reclaim his home. Alongside a talkative donkey, he embarks...
In this intense thriller, an American family relocates to Southeast Asia, only to find themselves caught in the midst of a violent political uprising. As chaos erupts, they must navigate...
Set against the backdrop of the American Southwest, this film explores the complex relationship between two brothers, one of whom becomes entangled in a world of crime and violence. As...
In this action-packed thriller directed by Olivier Megaton, Liam Neeson reprises his role as Bryan Mills, a former government operative who finds himself framed for a brutal murder he did...
In this action-packed disaster film, a massive earthquake devastates California, prompting a daring rescue mission led by a skilled helicopter pilot, played by Dwayne Johnson. As the ground shakes and...
In his debut English-language special, comedian Gad Elmaleh joyfully explores America’s fascination with food, its dating scene, colloquial expressions, and other cultural quirks.
Are you a young person grappling with sexual confusion and simply trying to navigate life? Do you have a knack for singing, dancing, or another skill? Step into the world...
When perpetual bachelor Shawn receives significant news, he decides to reconnect with everyone who has distanced themselves from him over the years. Among these people is his former friend Greg,...
In a post-apocalyptic future, a cyborg named Alita is discovered in a scrapyard by a compassionate doctor, who revives her with no memory of her past. As she navigates the...
Crafted entirely from Scottish film archives, this film takes us on a voyage through our shared history, delving into timeless themes such as love, loss, resistance, migration, work, and leisure....
This 1927 silent film, directed by F.W. Murnau, explores the complexities of love and redemption through the story of a married farmer who is tempted by a city woman. The...
In this tense survival thriller, a married couple finds themselves trapped in their car under a massive snowstorm, facing both the harsh elements and their own personal demons. As the...
In this heartwarming drama, Tom Hanks stars as a grumpy yet endearing man whose life takes an unexpected turn when a lively young family moves in next door. As the...
On Christmas morning, fifth-grader Andy discovers that Santa hasn’t left him a gift. Convinced that he’s been mistakenly placed on the “naughty list,” Andy decides to take matters into his...
In the not-too-distant future, a team of conflict reporters strives to endure as they document the reality of events, with the United States teetering on the edge of a civil...
With his wife unwell, a father facing difficulties decides to bring home a realistic AI. However, this self-aware assistant soon desires everything her new household can provide, including her owner’s...
Author Ben Mears comes back to Jerusalem’s Lot, the town where he grew up, only to find that a vampire with a thirst for blood is terrorizing the community.
This documentary film presents unprecedented firsthand testimonies from released hostages, survivors, and first responders about the sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas on October 7, 2023. Sheryl Sandberg conducts interviews with...
Paddington embarks on a journey to Peru to see his dear Aunt Lucy, who currently lives at the Home for Retired Bears. Accompanied by the Brown Family, they find themselves...
A vibrant blend of heist and dance, this 2014 film follows a group of misfits who come together to pull off an elaborate robbery during a global dance competition. The...
In the picturesque town of Long Grove, Mayor Brian Ortega is a cherished figure. As he joins the townspeople in decorating for Christmas, he stumbles upon his old Christmas wish...
A unique portrayal of British pop icon Robbie Williams.
At the 1972 Munich Olympics, an American broadcast crew finds themselves shifting from sports coverage to reporting on a tense hostage crisis involving Israeli athletes. A young producer, unexpectedly at...
When Mr. Deen learns that one of his students has been residing in his car and has ended up in jail, he chooses to help by posting bail. Intent on...
A broken family must face the issues that divided them during the wedding of their oldest son.
In this gripping thriller, a series of murders targeting members of a Detroit Catholic community sends shockwaves through the city. The story follows Father Robert Koesler, played by Donald Sutherland,...
In this heartwarming drama directed by Michael O. Sajbel, a young man named Jason Stevens, played by Drew Fuller, embarks on a transformative journey after the death of his wealthy...
In 2013, Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond set out on what they envisioned as the ultimate road trip. It began promisingly but ended disastrously. Undeterred, the Top Gear duo returns...
Set in a 1930s British boarding school, the film follows a group of girls whose lives are disrupted by the arrival of a charismatic and enigmatic new student. The story...
Directed by David Cronenberg, this provocative film explores the complex relationship between technology, sexuality, and human desire. It follows a group of individuals who find a unique form of sexual...
In this 2001 action thriller, Jean-Claude Van Damme takes on dual roles as both a notorious serial killer and his genetically engineered clone. The plot follows a determined detective, played...
When Tony Stark’s world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.
In 1950s Ireland and New York, young Ellis Lacey has to choose between two men and two countries.
In this 2010 drama directed by John Wells, the narrative follows the lives of several corporate executives who face the harsh realities of job loss and economic downturn. The film...
In this comedic adventure set in the early 19th century, two inept explorers, played by Chris Farley and Matthew Perry, embark on a race to beat the legendary Lewis and...
In this thrilling sequel, a team of experts is dispatched to a remote island to study dinosaurs in their natural habitat, only to find themselves in a race for survival...
In this action-comedy film, a top London police officer is transferred to a seemingly idyllic village, where he uncovers a series of disturbing events. The movie stars Simon Pegg and...
In this enchanting animated film directed by Gary Trousdale, a young woman named Belle finds herself in a mysterious castle inhabited by a prince cursed to live as a beast....
In this 2007 comedy directed by Judd Apatow, a one-night stand between a slacker and an ambitious career woman leads to an unexpected pregnancy, forcing them to navigate the complexities...
This award-winning fiction film centers on Valentine, a female assassin who finds herself confined in a room with one of her targets during his final moments. This encounter profoundly impacts...
With the closure of Redwood Federal Penitentiary, hundreds of inmates will need to be relocated. Among them, some of the most dangerous criminals, all convicted murderers, are set to be...