Revenge of the Ninja
In this 1983 action-packed martial arts film, a skilled ninja relocates to America with his family, seeking a peaceful life away from his violent past. However, he soon finds himself drawn back into the world of ninjas when his family is threatened by a treacherous betrayal. Starring Sho Kosugi, a renowned martial artist, the film showcases intense fight sequences and a gripping storyline. Directed by Sam Firstenberg, it is a notable entry in the ninja film genre. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Sam Firstenberg
Actors: Arthur Roberts, Ashley Ferrare, Grace Oshita, John LaMotta, Kane Kosugi, Keith Vitali, Mario Gallo, Professor Toru Tanaka, Sho Kosugi, Virgil Frye
Country: United States of America
Company: Cannon Films, Golan-Globus Productions
Worldwide Gross: $13,168,027