Gripped: Climbing the Killer Pillar
“Gripped” is a full-length survival drama centered around rock climbing, set against the backdrop of a towering thousand-foot cliff in California’s Sierra Nevada mountains. The film follows Rose, a gym-trained climber from Los Angeles, as she embarks on her inaugural outdoor climbing adventure. Accompanied by her friend Jade, Rose becomes enamored with Bret, a seasoned climber. Despite his reservations, she persuades him to guide her on a renowned and challenging climbing path known as “Killer Pillar.” Tragedy strikes when Bret suffers a severe head injury and a torn shoulder during the climb. With no option but to ascend, Rose must take the lead to reach the peak. As night descends, they are still far from their goal and must spend the night on a narrow cliffside ledge. The following day, with a storm looming, Bret fades in and out of consciousness, leaving Rose with the daunting task of ensuring their survival.
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Director: Benjamin Galland
Actors: Amanda Maddox, Bryce Wissel, Jacki Florine, Kaiwi Lyman, Megan Hensley, Natalie Duran
Country: United States of America
Company: Oceanic Productions