The Sound Of Music
Set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Austrian Alps, this 1965 classic follows the journey of Maria, a spirited young woman played by Julie Andrews, who leaves a convent to become the governess for the seven children of a widowed naval captain, portrayed by Christopher Plummer. As Maria brings music and joy back into the family’s life, she faces challenges and discovers unexpected love. Directed by Robert Wise, the film is renowned for its memorable musical numbers and won five Academy Awards, including Best Picture. This beloved musical can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 58
Genre: Biography, Drama, Family, Music, Oscar Winners, Romance, Top250Movies
Director: Robert Wise
Actors: Ada Beth Lee, Angela Cartwright, Anna Lee, Ben Wright, Bert Stevens, Bill Lee, Charmian Carr, Christopher Plummer, Daniel Truhitte, Debbie Turner, Doreen Tryden, Doris Lloyd, Duane Chase, Eleanor Parker, Evadne Baker, Frank Baker, Gertrude Astor, Gilchrist Stuart, Heather Menzies, Julie Andrews, Kym Kareth, Marni Nixon, Nicholas Hammond, Norma Varden, Peggy Wood, Portia Nelson, Richard Haydn
Country: United States of America
Company: Argyle Enterprises, Bluebush Productions, Robert Wise Productions
Worldwide Gross: $159,484,051