Set in a suburban fantasy world, this animated film follows two teenage elf brothers, Ian and Barley Lightfoot, as they embark on a quest to discover if there is still magic left in their world. Their journey is sparked by a magical staff left by their late father, which offers them a chance to spend one more day with him. Featuring the voices of Tom Holland and Chris Pratt, the film combines humor and heart in a tale of brotherhood and adventure. Directed by Dan Scanlon, it showcases Pixar’s signature blend of emotional storytelling and imaginative world-building. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 25
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Featured movies, Golden Globe Nominated 2021, Kids, Oscar 2021, Pixar
Director: Dan Scanlon
Actors: Ali Wong, Chris Pratt, Grey DeLisle, John Ratzenberger, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Kyle Bornheimer, Lena Waithe, Mel Rodriguez, Octavia Spencer, Tom Holland, Tracey Ullman
Country: Japan, United States of America
Company: Pixar Animation Studios, Walt Disney Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $141,940,042