Little Monsters
In this 1989 fantasy comedy, a young boy named Brian discovers a hidden world of mischievous monsters living under his bed. The film stars Fred Savage as Brian and Howie Mandel as Maurice, the friendly monster who introduces him to this whimsical realm. Directed by Richard Greenberg, the movie explores themes of friendship and adventure as Brian navigates the challenges of both the monster world and his own. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it remains a nostalgic piece for many who grew up in the late ’80s. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Director: Richard Greenberg
Actors: Amber Barretto, Ben Savage, Daniel Stern, Devin Ratray, Frank Whaley, Fred Savage, Howie Mandel, Margaret Whitton, Rick Ducommun, William Murray Weiss
Country: United States of America
Company: Davis Entertainment, Licht/Mueller Film Corporation, Vestron Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $793,775