The Suicide Shop
In a dystopian city where despair reigns, a peculiar family runs a shop catering to those seeking a permanent end to their sorrows. The family business thrives on the misery of others until the birth of an unexpectedly cheerful child threatens to disrupt their morbid enterprise. Directed by Patrice Leconte, this animated film explores themes of hope and resilience amidst a backdrop of dark humor. While it may not have garnered major awards, its unique premise and visual style make it a noteworthy watch. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 8
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Music, Musical
Director: Patrice Leconte
Actors: Bernard Alane, Eric Métayer, Isabella Spade, Isabelle Giami, Jacques Mathou, Kacey Mottet Klein, Laurent Gendron, Pascal Parmentier, Pierre-François Martin-Laval, Urbain Cancelier
Country: Belgium, Canada, France
Company: ARP Sélection, Caramel Film, Caramel Films, Diabolo Films
Worldwide Gross: $2,514,478