The Fox and the Hound 2
In this animated sequel, the story follows the young fox Tod and his hound friend Copper as they navigate the challenges of friendship amidst new adventures. The plot thickens when Copper joins a canine band, leading to a series of events that test their bond. The film features the voices of stars like Patrick Swayze and Reba McEntire, adding a musical flair to the narrative. Directed by Jim Kammerud, this family-friendly movie offers a blend of humor and heartwarming moments. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Jim Kammerud
Actors: Hannah Farr, Harrison Fahn, Jeff Foxworthy, Jim Cummings, Jonah Bobo, Kath Soucie, Patrick Swayze, Reba McEntire, Stephen Root, Vicki Lawrence
Country: Australia, United States of America
Company: Disneytoon Studios, Hot Donut Productions, Walt Disney Animation Australia, Walt Disney Pictures