In this romantic action-comedy directed by Vincent Kok, a young woman from a small fishing village embarks on an adventurous journey to Hong Kong in search of love. The film stars the charismatic Jackie Chan, who brings his signature blend of martial arts and humor to the screen. Alongside him is Shu Qi, whose character’s quest for romance leads to unexpected encounters and thrilling escapades. The movie is a delightful mix of romance, comedy, and action, showcasing Chan’s versatility beyond his usual action-packed roles. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 11
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Romance
Director: Vincent Kok
Actors: Bradley James Allan, Chan Chung-Yung, Elaine Jin, Emil Chau, Emil Chau Wah-Kin, Jackie Chan, Ken Lo, Kwan Yung, Lau Yee Tat, Richie Jen, Shu Qi, Tats Lau Yee-Tat, Tony Leung Chiu-Wai, Wakin Chau, William Duen Wai-Lun
Company: GH Pictures, Golden Harvest Company, Golden Harvest Pictures (China)
Worldwide Gross: $451,518