Mickey, Donald, Goofy The Three Musketeers
In this animated adventure, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy find themselves thrust into the roles of musketeers, tasked with protecting Princess Minnie from a sinister plot orchestrated by the villainous Captain Pete. The film combines humor, action, and friendship as the trio navigates various challenges to prove their worth as true heroes. Directed by Donovan Cook, the movie features the iconic voices of Wayne Allwine, Tony Anselmo, and Bill Farmer, bringing the beloved Disney characters to life. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it remains a charming and entertaining take on the classic tale. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Donovan Cook
Actors: April Winchell, Bill Farmer, Jeff Bennett, Jim Cummings, Maurice LaMarche, Rob Paulsen, Russi Taylor, Tony Anselmo, Tress MacNeille, Wayne Allwine
Country: Australia, Philippines, United States of America
Company: Disneytoon Studios, Walt Disney Animation Australia, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Walt Disney Pictures