Time Traveling Bong
In this comedic mini-series, viewers follow the misadventures of two cousins, played by Ilana Glazer and Paul W. Downs, who stumble upon a water pipe that allows them to travel through time. As they navigate various historical periods, they encounter both humorous and challenging situations, often highlighting the absurdity of their circumstances. The series is co-created by Glazer and Downs, who are known for their work on “Broad City.” While it didn’t receive any major awards, it gained a cult following for its unique premise and comedic approach. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 1
Genre: Comedy
Studio: 3 Arts Entertainment
Creators: Ilana Glazer, Lucia Aniello, Paul W. Downs
TV Status: Ended
23minRelease: 2016
IMDb: 6.8
TMDb: 6.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 92%
Country: United States of America
Networks: Comedy Central
Starring: DJ Qualls, Ilana Glazer, Jerry G. Angelo, June Carryl, Kevin Heffernan, Luke Sholl, Paul W. Downs