Set in the 1950s, this film follows a small-town Indiana high school basketball team as they strive for a state championship under the guidance of a new, enigmatic coach played by Gene Hackman. The story explores themes of redemption, teamwork, and perseverance, with Dennis Hopper delivering a memorable performance as the assistant coach, a role that earned him an Academy Award nomination. Directed by David Anspaugh, the film is noted for its authentic portrayal of basketball and its inspirational narrative. It can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: David Anspaugh
Actors: Barbara Hershey, Chelcie Ross, Dennis Hopper, Fern Persons, Gene Hackman, John Robert Thompson, Michael O'Guinne, Robert Swan, Sheb Wooley, Wil Dewitt
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Cinema '84, Hemdale
Worldwide Gross: $28,607,524