Suburban Gothic
In this quirky horror-comedy, Raymond, a young man with a degree but no job prospects, returns to his parents’ suburban home only to find himself embroiled in a supernatural mystery. The film stars Matthew Gray Gubler and Kat Dennings, who bring a unique charm to their roles as they navigate the eerie occurrences plaguing the neighborhood. Directed by Richard Bates Jr., the movie blends humor with horror, creating an entertaining experience for fans of the genre. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, its offbeat style and engaging performances have earned it a cult following. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Richard Bates Jr.
Actors: Barbara Niven, Jeffrey Combs, John Waters, Kat Dennings, Mackenzie Phillips, Matthew Gray Gu, Matthew Gray Gubler, Mel Rodriguez, Muse Watson, Ray Wise, Sally Kirkland
Country: United States of America
Company: New Normal Films