Teit Meista Kauniin
Set against the backdrop of the harsh economic downturn of the 1990s, this narrative follows the lives of five young Finns coming of age in the small, wood-industry town of Heinola. As their parents grapple with financial hardships, these distinctly unique teenagers cross paths by chance and come together to create the punk band Apulanta, which translates to “fertilizer.” Today, Apulanta stands as one of Finland’s most renowned bands.
Views: 1
Genre: Biography, Drama, Music
Director: Tuukka Temonen
Actors: Hanna Vähäpassi, Iiro Panula, Laura Malmivaara, Lorenz Backman, Mimosa Willamo, Pyry Nikkilä, Roope Salminen, Tatu Sinisalo, Teppo Manner, Uniikki
Country: Finland
Company: Optipari Oy
Worldwide Gross: $1,128,746