Metalocalypse is an American animated series crafted by Brendon Small and Tommy Blacha, which debuted on Adult Swim on August 6, 2006. The show revolves around the extravagant death metal band Dethklok and frequently delves into dark and grim themes, such as violence, mortality, and the pitfalls of stardom, all presented with exaggerated black humor. This approach is why the series consistently receives a TV-MA rating. It serves as both a satire and a tribute to heavy metal culture.
The music, composed by guitarist and co-creator Brendon Small, is attributed to the band and is prominently featured in most episodes. The animation is meticulously aligned with the music, showcasing detailed depictions of chord positions and guitar fingerings.
A distinctive feature of the series is its replacement of the typical “bleeps” for strong profanity with pinch harmonics.
Views: 6
Director: Brendon Small
Studio: Titmouse, Williams Street
Creators: Brendon Small, Tommy Blacha
TV Status: Ended
11minRelease: 2006
IMDb: 8.3
TMDb: 7.7
Country: United States of America
Networks: Adult Swim
Starring: Brendon Small, Malcolm McDowell, Mark Hamill, Tommy Blacha, Victor Brandt