The Man Who Cried
Set against the backdrop of World War II, this film follows the journey of a young Jewish girl named Suzie, played by Christina Ricci, who is separated from her father and embarks on a quest to reunite with him. As she navigates through the complexities of life as a refugee, she encounters a diverse cast of characters, including a gypsy horseman portrayed by Johnny Depp and a Russian opera singer played by Cate Blanchett. Directed by Sally Potter, the film explores themes of identity, love, and survival amidst the chaos of war. While it did not receive major awards, the film is noted for its evocative cinematography and compelling performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Music, Romance, War
Director: Sally Potter
Actors: Anna Tzelniker, Cate Blanchett, Christina Ricci, Claudia Lander-Duke, Danny Scheinmann, Don Fellows, Harry Dean Stanton, John Turturro, Johnny Depp, Oleg Yankovskiy, Pablo Verón
Country: France, United Kingdom
Company: Adventure Pictures, Canal+, Universal Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $1,322,763