Leave It on the Floor
Set against the vibrant backdrop of Los Angeles’ underground ball culture, this film follows the journey of a young man named Brad, who finds himself drawn into a world of fierce competition and self-expression after being kicked out of his home. Directed by Sheldon Larry, the movie features a dynamic cast including Ephraim Sykes and Barbie-Q, who bring to life the colorful and dramatic world of the ball scene. The film is noted for its energetic musical numbers and authentic portrayal of LGBTQ+ communities. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Music, Musical, War
Director: Sheldon Larry
Actors: Andre Darnell Myers, Cameron Koa, De'Markes Dogan, Ephraim Sykes, Hailie Sahar, Hailie Weaver, James Alsop, Metra Dee, Michael Franklin, Miss Barbie-Q, Phillip Evelyn
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Leave It on the Floor, Sheldon Larry Productions Inc.
Worldwide Gross: $6,965