Zombie A-Hole
“Zombie A-Hole” unfolds in a universe slightly askew from our own, balancing on the brink of gritty allure and comic book-inspired brilliance. Imagine a fusion of “Planet Terror,” “Sin City,” and “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.” The men are all tough-as-nails, while the women are stunningly attractive. Here, living for revenge doesn’t preclude looking incredibly stylish as you deliver powerful beatdowns. Every element is exaggerated and more captivating than its real-world equivalent. This film is an exploitation piece with a touch of southern gothic style, crafted by Dustin Mills.
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Genre: Horror
Director: Dustin Mills
Actors: Betty Fhite, Elizabeth Aweiker, Harper St. Clare, Jessica Daniels, Melissa Blair, Michael Blair
Country: United States of America
Company: Dustin Mills Productions