This biographical drama delves into the life of Ian Curtis, the enigmatic lead singer of the post-punk band Joy Division. The film explores Curtis’s struggles with personal and professional pressures, his tumultuous relationships, and his battle with epilepsy. Sam Riley delivers a compelling performance as Curtis, capturing the singer’s intense charisma and inner turmoil. Directed by Anton Corbijn, the film is noted for its striking black-and-white cinematography, which adds to its haunting atmosphere. While it didn’t win major awards, it received critical acclaim for its authentic portrayal of the era and its music. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Biography, Drama, Music
Director: Anton Corbijn
Actors: Alexandra Maria Lara, Andrew Sheridan, Craig Parkinson, Harry Treadaway, James Anthony Pearson, Joe Anderson, Robert Shelly, Sam Riley, Samantha Morton, Toby Kebbell
Country: Australia, France, Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Becker Films, CINV, Claraflora
Worldwide Gross: $8,159,508