The Son of Joseph
In this 2016 film directed by Eugène Green, the story follows a young Parisian teenager named Vincent who embarks on a quest to discover the identity of his father. The narrative unfolds with a blend of drama and subtle humor, as Vincent’s journey leads him to encounter various characters, including his mother and a mysterious man who may hold the answers he seeks. The film features performances by actors such as Mathieu Amalric and Fabrizio Rongione. Known for its unique stylistic approach, the movie offers a contemplative exploration of familial relationships and identity. It can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Eugène Green
Actors: Adrien Michaux, Christelle Prot, Fabrizio Rongione, Jacques Bonnaffé, Julia Gros de Gasquet, Maria de Medeiros, Mathieu Amalric, Natacha Régnier, Sophie Delage, Victor Ezenfis
Company: Coffee and Films, Film Factory, Les Films du Fleuve
Worldwide Gross: $38,774