A Ghost Story
In this contemplative drama directed by David Lowery, a recently deceased man, portrayed by Casey Affleck, returns as a ghost draped in a simple white sheet to his suburban home to reconnect with his bereft wife, played by Rooney Mara. The film explores themes of love, loss, and the passage of time, offering a unique perspective on the afterlife and the enduring nature of human connections. Notably, the film is recognized for its minimalist storytelling and hauntingly beautiful cinematography. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 11
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery
Director: David Lowery
Actors: Augustine Frizzell, Barlow Jacobs, Brea Grant, Carlos Bermudez, Casey Affleck, Dagger Salazar, David Lowery, Grover Coulson, Kenneisha Thompson, Kesha, Liz Cardenas, Liz Cardenas Franke, McColm Cephas Jr., McColm Kona Cephas Jr., Richard Krause, Rooney Mara, Sonia Acevedo, Will Oldham, Yasmina Gutierrez
Country: United States of America
Company: Ideaman Studios, Sailor Bear, Zero Trans Fat Productions
Worldwide Gross: $1,951,683