Poison Ivy: The Secret Society
In this 2008 thriller directed by Jason Hreno, a young woman named Danielle “Daisy” Brooks, played by Miriam McDonald, finds herself entangled in a web of seduction and danger at a prestigious New England college. As she navigates the treacherous waters of academia and social life, she uncovers a secret society with a dark agenda. The film explores themes of power, manipulation, and the loss of innocence. While it may not have received any notable awards, it features a compelling performance by McDonald. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jason Hreno
Actors: Andrea Whitburn, Brendan Penny, Bridie Lunde, Catherine Hicks, Crystal Lowe, Greg Evigan, Michaela Mann, Miriam McDonald, Ryan Kennedy, Shawna Waldron, Yan-Kay Crystal Lowe
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Cinetel Films, Insight Film Studios, New Line Home Entertainment