The Secret Scripture
In this poignant drama directed by Jim Sheridan, the story unfolds around Roseanne McNulty, an elderly woman who has spent most of her life in a mental institution in Ireland. As the facility is set to close, Dr. Grene, a psychiatrist, is tasked with evaluating her case and discovers her hidden journal, which reveals a complex past marked by love, betrayal, and societal injustices. The film features compelling performances by Rooney Mara and Vanessa Redgrave, who portray Roseanne at different stages of her life. While the movie did not receive major awards, it offers a deep exploration of memory and identity. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jim Sheridan
Actors: Aidan Turner, Charlie Kelly, Eric Bana, Jack Reynor, Nika McGuigan, Rooney Mara, Susan Lynch, Theo James, Tom Vaughan-Lawlor, Vanessa Redgrave
Country: Ireland
Company: Apollo Media, Ferndale Films, Hell's Kitchen Films
Worldwide Gross: $694,981