Empire of the Sharks
In a dystopian future where water scarcity has led to a world dominated by oceans, a tyrannical warlord controls the remaining resources and commands an army of sharks. The story follows a young woman with a mysterious connection to these creatures, who becomes the key to challenging the warlord’s reign. Directed by Mark Atkins, this film combines elements of science fiction and adventure, featuring performances by John Savage and Jack Armstrong. While it hasn’t received any notable awards, it offers a unique take on the post-apocalyptic genre. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Horror, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Mark Atkins
Actors: Ashley de Lange, Camilla Waldman, Jack Armstrong, Jack Tompkins, Joe Vaz, John Savage, Jonathan Pienaar, Leandie du Randt, Tapiwa Musvosvi, Tauriq Jenkins, Thandi Sebe
Country: South Africa, United States of America
Company: Artemisia Productions, The Asylum