In this tense thriller directed by Suzi Ewing, the story unfolds around a seemingly ordinary man, played by Luke Evans, who kidnaps a woman and confines her in a small, soundproof room. As the plot progresses, it becomes clear that his motives are deeply personal and tied to a dark secret. Kelly Reilly stars alongside Evans, delivering a gripping performance that keeps viewers on edge. The film delves into themes of revenge and justice, maintaining suspense throughout its runtime. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Suzi Ewing
Actors: Benjamin Hoetjes, Hilary Agostini, Jason Maza, Jill Winternitz, John Michael Morris, Kelly Reilly, Luke Evans, Noel Clarke, Olivia Chenery, Skye Lucia Degruttola
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Head Gear Films, Metrol Technology, Unstoppable Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $68,260