90210 Shark Attack
In this 2015 film, a group of college students in Beverly Hills finds their summer plans disrupted by a series of mysterious shark attacks. As they delve deeper into the mystery, they uncover a sinister plot that threatens their lives. Directed by David DeCoteau, the movie blends elements of horror and thriller genres. While it may not have received any notable awards, it features a cast that includes some familiar faces from television. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: David DeCoteau
Actors: Braden Bacha, Donna Wilkes, Jeffrey Decker, Jud Birza, Nikki BreAnne Wells, Rachel Rosenstein, Stephanie Shemanski
Country: United States of America
Company: Rapid Heart Pictures