7 Days In Hell
In this mockumentary, viewers are taken on a comedic journey through an epic, fictional tennis match that lasts an entire week. The film stars Andy Samberg and Kit Harington as rival tennis players whose intense and absurd rivalry captivates the world. Directed by Jake Szymanski, the movie cleverly parodies sports documentaries with its over-the-top humor and satirical take on the sports world. Notably, the film features a host of celebrity cameos, adding to its comedic appeal. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Sport, TV Movie
Director: Jake Szymanski
Actors: Andy Samberg, Fred Armisen, Jon Hamm, June Squibb, Karen Gillan, Kit Harington, Lena Dunham, Mary Steenburgen, Michael Sheen, Will Forte
Country: United States of America
Company: Home Box Office (HBO), The Buss Company