68 Kill
In this darkly comedic crime thriller, a hapless young man named Chip finds himself embroiled in a chaotic and violent scheme when his girlfriend, Liza, hatches a plan to steal $68,000. As the night spirals out of control, Chip is forced to confront a series of bizarre and dangerous situations, testing his moral boundaries and survival instincts. The film stars Matthew Gray Gubler and AnnaLynne McCord, delivering intense performances that drive the narrative’s unpredictable twists. Directed by Trent Haaga, the movie offers a gritty exploration of desperation and greed. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Crime, Thriller
Director: Trent Haaga
Actors: Alisha Boe, AnnaLynne McCord, Eric Podnar, Hallie Grace Bradley, James Moses Black, Lucy Faust, Matthew Gray Gu, Matthew Gray Gubler, Michael Beasley, Sam Eidson, Sheila Vand
Country: United States of America
Company: AMP International, Snowfort Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $522